Working with meteor For the past couple of weeks, I have been dealing with meteor in my software engineering class. I have been able to get a little more comfortable with the framework enough to compare it to other frameworks...
Working with meteor For about a week I have been working with meteor, a framework that I have been learning in my ICS 314 class. In this meteor I have been working on an assignment known as digits, which is...
Introducing proper coding standards when writing any code is essential in making sure you code is organized and easy to read from those other than the person who coded it. Following proper coding standard can seem very meticulous and troublesome...
Configuration managment is very important in keeping projects and other large team collaborations up to date and working perfectly in collaborations. Without it, project between even two people can cause problems where someone code is different from the others while...
As a software engineer, it’s probably gonna happen where you come across a problem you have a hard time solving. Thus it is time to turn to the glory of the internet, but unless you ask your question the right...
Growing up , I have always had an interests in computer and it was in college where I became even more interested in programming. It helped that in ICS 111, we were pretty much making games and small little fun...